The Molecules of Life
Structural biology – a subject for people with imagination
Lecture course: 7 meetings, 96 min each
Journal Club: 6 meetings, 100 min each
Lecturer: Prof. Mariusz Jaskolski
Laboratory practicals: 6 meetings, 225 min each
Tutor for practical exercises: Andrii Pyrih, MSc.
Lectures: Monday and Wednesday, 9:00
Beginning: March 2, 2020
Venue: Room 3.52, Coll. Chemicum
Journal Club: Wednesday, 17:00
Beginning: March 18, 2020
Venue: Room 2.4, Coll. Chemicum
Practicals: Thursday, 9:00
Beginning: March 19, 2020
Venue: contact your tutor before each class!
Student consultations:
- Prof. Mariusz Jaskolski: Monday 11:00-12:00, Room 4.103, Coll. Chemicum
Material covered
- Principles of protein structure
- Classification of protein folds
- Anatomy and taxonomy of nucleic acids and macromolecular complexes
- Overview of experimental methods of structural biology: cryo-EM
- Principles of macromolecular crystallography
- Protein handling and crystallization
- Modern diffraction techniques
- Phasing methods in protein crystallography
- Electron density maps and model building
- Protein Data Bank (PDB) and validation of protein models
- Examples of structure-based drug design
- Arthur Lesk, Introduction to Protein Science: Architecture, Function, and Genomics. Oxford U. Press 2010.
- Gale Rhodes, Crystallography Made Crystal Clear, 3rd edition. Academic Press, 2006.
- Bernhard Rupp, Biomolecular Crystallography, Garland Science, 2010.
- A.Wlodawer, Z.Dauter, M.Jaskolski (editors), Protein Crystallography, Springer, 2017.
- V.Ramakrishnan, Gene Machine, Basic Books, 2018.
- A. Lesk, Introduction to Protein Science: Architecture, Function, and Genomics. Oxford U. Press 2010.
- C. Branden, J. Tooze, Introduction to Protein Structure, Garland Publishing, New York 1998 (2nd edition).
- G. Rhodes, Crystallography Made Crystal Clear, Academic Press, New York 2006.
- B. Rupp, Biomolecular Crystallography, Garland Science, 2010.
- A. Wlodawer, Z. Dauter, M. Jaskolski (editors), Protein Crystallography, Springer, 2017.
- A. Wlodawer, W. Minor, Z. Dauter, M. Jaskolski, Crystallography for non-crystallographers. FEBS J. 275, 1-20 (2007).
A PDF file is available here
- M. Jaskolski, From atomic resolution to molecular giants: an overview of crystallographic studies of biological macromolecules with synchrotron radiation. Acta Phys. Polon. A 117,
257-263 (2010).
A PDF file is available here
Written multiple-choice test examination
First term: May 20, 2020, 9:00-10:15, Room 3.52, Coll. Chemicum
Second term (only if failed first test): May 27, 2020, 9:00-10:15, Room 3.52, Coll. Chemicum
Last modification: Feb 21, 2020 (SW+MJ)